Inversion Table Health Benefits

Teeter Hang UpsAre you familiar with the health benefits that are gained by using an inversion table? There are numerous benefits derived by the user of inversion therapy.

Therapy users have seen benefits as far back as Hippocrates. It has been used consistently and effectively for centuries, relevant to different cultures.

What is the most common method of inversion?

The most common method of inversion is currently by use of an inversion table. The table resembles a “teeter-totter” to most individuals.

The system allows users to balance their weight as well as increase degrees of body inversion. It holds many health benefits for the individual.

What health benefits can be derived from inversion?

Using inversion is widely seen in treating spinal compression for individuals with spinal challenges. Consistently being placed in an inverted position allows the person’s spine and muscles to stretch toward a more natural alignment. This, in turn, starts the healing process of alleviating back pain and discomfort by increasing the space between the backbones.

Consistently practicing inversion will also allow the muscles within the back and body to stretch and relax. Blood flow increases to the areas of need within the muscle tissues and also provides relief from muscle spasms. Muscle stretching and spinal alignment also improves one’s posture when therapy is unfailing followed for a period of time.

How does relaxation play into inversion therapy?

While taking time to use inversion therapy, the body is placed in a downward angle. During the time of stretching, the individual gains the most benefits by allowing the body to fully relax. Taking this time out helps the body’s muscles and provides a time of relaxation for the individual. The muscles benefit as well as the mind. Tensions are released from the body during the therapy sessions.

Can inversion assist those with lymphatic issues?

Inversion allows the body to increase blood flow, which has shown improvements within the lymphatic system. Individuals with sluggish, or overworked, lymph systems have seen greatly enhanced results. Inversion also has heart healthy benefits which is an added bonus. Gravity assists the blood flow back to the heart during inversion sessions.

What are some other health benefits of using inversion?

In additional to the welfares discussed, there are a variety of other benefits including: decongesting internal organs, relieving varicose veins, improving cleansing of the blood, and reducing the effects of aging. Inversion therapy is also known for strengthening ligaments, increasing oxygen to the brain, and decreasing stress.

Inversion therapy is a great health benefit!

Inversion therapy definitely brings many health benefits to the user. It is a great way to improve the quality of life for each family member. Back pain is relieved and stress diminished. Overall improvements of the circulatory system are gained along with enhancements within the muscular systems. Consider trying inversion therapy and feel better today!

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